Diamond Neighborhood
Let’s look at this month!
We had our Razorback Refresh event on the 30th! The Diamond Neighborhood got together to refuel for finals with soda, cookies, and hot chocolate!

Thank you RA’s!
Our RA’s make events like these possible. Make sure to tell your RA how much they are appreciated!
Semester one done!
We’re almost there!
Here are some tips for the end of the year..
STudy hard, but not too hard!
Give yourself some breaks while you work hard to ace those finals. Go for a walk or do some pushups!
Finish strong! You got this!
Don’t quit now! Only a week and a half until you can enjoy yourself over the break!
Get sleep
One of the most important habits for your mind is getting mindful sleep.
Get excited!
It’s almost break! A long break too! We will all get a fresh start next semester.
Break Information
Know what to do when leaving for break
WHat do do with your room?
Lock doors and windows and leave blinds down and open, turn your thermostat to 68 degrees, turn off lights and alarm clocks, unplug all appliances except for your television, remove any trash from your room, remove any food that can soil from your fridge, and do not leave belongings on the floor.
What will the ra’s be doing?
Resident assistant’s will be entering rooms on December 16th to check that your room is ready for winter break. Remember that alcohol, alcohol containers, candles, incense, electrical appliances with open heating elements such as toaster ovens and air fryers, space heaters, electric blankets, and weapons are not allowed in rooms. If an RA sees one of these items, the university will follow up with you.
How long can I stay?
Humphreys, Yocum, and Gibson hall will remain open all break! Founders hall will be closing on December 16th at 5PM and will re-open on January 2nd at noon.
If you need to stay past the 16th at 5PM, you will need to fill out an extended stay request in your housing portal. These need to be submitted by December 12th at 5pm.
Other information
Routine pest control will occur at the beginning of January 2022.
Maintenance will also be entering rooms sometime over the break to replace air filters.
To see dining hours and menus during closing and break periods, see the following link –https://dineoncampus.com/razorbacks

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