Carlie, a second year RA in Honeycomb, has a great insight into what being an RA down the hill is like. Carlie explained that when it comes to being an RA, “it’s up to the residents” when it comes to building connections. RA’s are great resources for residents to use. They go through lots of training to help make them people students can come to when they need. Carlie stated that she loves “building community with the freshmen, walking them through what it’s like to be at college” and helping residents work through their issues. Building a community within a dorm helps create a community all throughout campus.

Being a Community RA is a great role, but the benefits of the position are a highlight of the position. RA’s receive free housing, a free 15+ meal plan, priority registration, priority consideration for resident reserved parking, and a stipend split throughout the year. These benefits help many RA’s graduate with minimal student debt.
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