Diamond Neighborhood Updates!

Almost halfway through the semester!
You haven’t seen the last of the Razorbacks
Don’t lose hope! The Hogs can dominate the rest of this football season.

Get a jump start on those midterms!
It’s almost fall break, but that doens’t mean you can forget about your classes! Midterms are coming up so make sure you give yourself enough time to study…
On a completely different note, here are some residents dressed up to go out to a function! One thing residents never fail to do is party every night of the week. Please be safe!

Neighborhood Notes

We have made great progress with trash violations but still have room for improvement. Three strikes and you’re out!
This month’s theme is mental health, be on the look out for the programs coming to you soon!
in Other news…

Global Series Hosts World of Coffee and Tea Event in Holcombe Hall
Holcombe Hall buzzed with the vibrant aromas and excitement of flavors from around the globe. With stations filling the hall’s whole living room, it was transformed into an immersive tasting experience. University Housing's Global Series and Graduate School and...
Winter Break 2024 Closing Information
As winter break approaches, we want to provide essential details to assist you with your end-of-semester preparations. Key Dates Thursday, Dec. 5: Last day of classes. Friday, Dec. 6: Reading Day (students not returning for Spring 2024 may begin checking out)....
Thanksgiving Break Information
This article highlights important information for residential students regarding Thanksgiving break.
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