The Quad Lead Hogs kicked off October with a pumpkin painting event. Our leadership RA, Megan, also made sure there was plenty of hot chocolate and sweet treats to fuel our artists!

Holcombe’s 2nd floor RA, Brian, threw an awesome event where 2nd floor residents could come and make their own sundae! The event was so successful that some of the other floors joined in too!

The Holcombe/Futrall lead hogs have been hard at work the last couple weeks making banners for all types of events in our buildings! In this photo they can be seen making a fall themed banner for our upcoming October all-hall!

CAPS and our wellness RA, Katelynn, did some tabling in Morgan Lobby where residents could come make a custom button! Residents also got to learn more about the resources CAPS offers to students at the university!

Global Series: Italy was a huge success! Those who attended got to learn a little about what it’s like to live and study in Italy. Afterwards, they got to taste some local cuisine, including cacio pepe, tiramisu, pesto genovese, and more!

Upcoming events

  • Global Series: China (Oct.11th, Holcombe Living Room, 7-8:30pm)
  • Hog Round UP-Series: Football (Oct.21st, DWR Stadium, 11am)
  • Monster Mash (Oct.18th, Futrall Basement, 7pm)
  • Come Hang Out! Hammock Social (Oct.10th, Hammock stands outside Clark Hall, 7-9pm)