Pictured above: Tom Smith of Calwell and Gregory stands at the ready in Futrall Hall. | Photo by Kent Perrodin 

University Housing contracted recently with a new laundry service provider. New equipment is being installed and technology is being upgraded, including laundry alerts that will be available this summer.

The laundry alert system allows students to go on-line and view the washing machine activity remotely. They can see when machines are available and better plan when to lug their laundry to get it cleaned.

This system also notifies students when their laundry is done, hopefully speeding up the turn around of machines for the next student.

All of the laundry rooms with more than a few pairs of machines will be getting this new technology.

Tell Tom About it

The new provider, Caldwell and Gregory, comes with a new full-time service technician in Fayetteville to focus on taking care of these machines.

This new technician, Tom Smith, starts each work day at the University responding to any service issues that have arisen. He inspects machines and performs preventative maintenance.


You’ll find a QR code and a phone number in the laundry rooms. Call or connect if you have any issues. | Courtesy Photo

“Students may or may not see Tom’s smiling face and professional uniform in and about the laundry rooms, but they will definitely experience his presence in terms of having washers and dryers that perform as they should,” said company spokesman Jon Gerard.

The signage in each laundry room explains how to notify Tom when there is a problem with a machine. You can scan the QR code on each machine and submit a work request directly to Tom.

Major Improvements

More than 400 new Speed Queen Commercial Home Style machines will be installed in coming months and into the summer.

All machines will remain push button start that require no coins or cards.

Washers will be new high efficiency, top load machines that save 30 percent in water usage over older top load models.